This is the time of year when it’s hard to make myself get on the bike and ride in the cold and wind. So, today I rode an hour with my bike on the trainer, allowing me to ride in the comfort of my home.

The only downside – it’s boring as hell! To combat the boredom I usually listen to tunes on the Zen, but today that didn’t seem good enough. Instead, I watched a movie about cycling, “Hell on Wheels” about the 2003 Tour de France. It is excellent and made riding the trainer much more tolerable. It gives you much more of a behind-the-scenes view than you can get on Versus for example. Good coverage of the riding, plus of the riders when they are off the bike and trying to recover. It shows how grueling the sport is and what a toll it takes day after day. Made riding on the trainer seem pretty damn easy, plus I was able to watch it on my laptop from Netflix, how cool is that?

I’m also back on the yoga mat. I have done yoga very inconsistently for several months and I miss it, my body really misses it. I’m working on getting back into yoga consistently and this past week or so I’ve practiced 3 times. I’m practicing at home with Yoga Today and the Moving Toward Balance book by Rodney Yee. Soon, I want to go back to Spirit House Yoga for classes.