Life is better on a bike!

Vive Le Tour de France

I have watched the TDF to the extent that I could since the mid-90’s.  At that time watching the TDF amounted to watching a 30 minute recap on Sunday afternoon.  I followed it in the newspaper when I could find it, but mainly I read about it afterwards in bicycling publications.

Watching the TDF is completely different now because of Versus.  Thank you cable television gods.  Versus is that sports channel that covers the NHL, fishing, hunting, cage-fighting (which I’m happy to report I’ve never seen) and is the official channel for professional bull riding (amateur bull riding?).

But, every July Versus (formerly known as OLN – Outdoor Life Network) becomes the official place for all things Tour de France.  Three weeks of non-stop professional bike racing.  Ahhhh…..

It’s my favorite time of the year.  Some people love Christmas, other people Thanksgiving.  For me, it’s the Tour de France.

Okay, I’m exaggerating a little.  My birthday is pretty special to me.

I have the extremely good fortune to be married to a man that loves it too (thank you cycling gods) and is right alongside me watching every bit of it every day for three weeks.

For you Tour novices I’ll post something before the TDF starts that explains how multi-stage bike races work.  A Tour Primer shall we say.  This just keeps getting better and better doesn’t it!

I can hardly wait, how about you??


  1. Tri Girl

    We are the same way!!!! We get VERY little done during those three weeks in July, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t WAIT!!!

  2. Susan

    We’re almost there, just one day to go!! Which taping do you usually watch? Last year we recorded the live version (in the morning), and also watched parts of the 7-10pm show for the added stuff with *the boys*, but it gets to be a little much with watching 4-5 hours of tour every day (of course ff cuts that some). On the key stages though 4-5 hours is well within reason. 🙂