Day 4/6 of “Biking and Blogging†on the Classic Adventures Texas Hill Country Tour.
The Hill Country is known as the mecca for the infamous Texas bluebonnets.
Although we had seen bluebonnets and other wildflowers the last few days, they were nothing like what we saw on the Willow City Loop.
We got our first taste of what would be a bluebonnet bonanza early on in the day’s ride.

Granted, I love wildflowers, but I could not get over the beauty of the bluebonnets. Blue is a rare color in nature, and bluebonnets are especially spectacular.

Once again, we had a day with cool temperatures and few motorists. Instead of cows, horses and sheep (oh my) we had bluebonnets, poppies and Indian paintbrush. A fair trade.

I just could not get over how great the biking was! Pastoral scenes and quiet roads.

Soon after getting back on the bike after our stopping for bluebonnet shots, Mark had a flat on the rear. Fortunately, we had a tube, small hand pump and tire levers so we could change it, but Dianne, our guide on the bike, came up and offered to help change it.
Dianne quickly got the tire off and the new tube in and in no time we were on our way again.
We came across a large field of rye, or some type of grass, that with the billowy clouds above it I knew would make a wonderful picture so I stopped and took these shots. No bluebonnets, but I think they are a good representation of the type of quiet beauty of this area.

Before long we came to Willow City Loop road – just follow the goats.
To say the bluebonnets and other wildflowers were in abundance on Willow City Loop doesn’t come close to describing what we saw so I will let the pictures do the talking.

My pictures here don’t do it justice either. We were told it had been more than 20 years since the Willow City Loop area has had such a showing of bluebonnets or poppies.
The riding was fun, up and down and a few sweeping turns.
Sagebrush and bluebonnets galore.

So beautiful and the scent of you were riding through was amazing.

It has begun to rain, but no problem because we skipped the few miles on a highway catching a lift in the van to our lunch spot. We had lunch with Marshall Dillon and Miss Kitty at the Knot in the Loop Saloon.

While enjoying what was a great burger and fries, it poured. When it was time to mount up and head out again, it cleared. Thank you cycling gods.
More great miles and scenery.

Back at the Inn on Barons Creek, we enjoyed our reward for the day, ice cold Shiner Bock, then met up with the others for dinner at another great restaurant, Crossroads Saloon and Steakhouse. Fabulous meal and company.
For the day: 56 miles, in 4:34, 12.3 pace, 110 AHR, 2024 calories burned.
