Life is better on a bike!

Maybe I Can Do This

1.2 mile swim watchToday I swam 2100 yards in 54:17 without stopping! Just 12 yards shy of the 1.2 miles I have to swim three weeks from tomorrow.

Granted it was in a pool, not a lake, but still when I started swim training for the Half Redman Aquabike I couldn’t swim 50 yards without stopping to catch my breath. Today except for 1/2 a length of floating on my back (Lap 35, each lap is 50 yards), I did all freestyle with no rests.

I am simply amazed that I did it and I couldn’t have done it without practicing the techniques taught in Total Immersion. I love TI and their whole philosophy of swimming.

I know swimming in a lake in a pack is entirely different and so much harder than swimming in a pool but at least I can do the distance. It’s time for another open water swim. Wish me luck.

Fingers crossed


  1. Nathan Lorenz

    Good luck! However, I’m sure you are going to do great and have a blast doing it . . .

  2. Kim

    Good luck! The lake swim may be a bit harder, but your adrenaline will propel you through.

  3. Susan

    Nathan and Kim, I appreciate the words of support – thank you!