For the Love of Bikes

Life is better on a bike!

Page 59 of 102

2011 in Miles

The day isn’t over, but my year in miles is:

Bike Rides: 2,384 miles

Indoor Riding: 615 miles

Total Biking: 2,999 miles

Swimming:  30 miles

Running: 43 miles

At 2,999 miles for the year, I’ll find some time today to go out and ride for a mile or two.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year! I appreciate you following For the Love of Bikes – may 2012 bring you many safe and pleasurable bike rides!



And in case you missed the video Kim posted:

2011: Looking Back

The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is a favorite time of mine. After the rush and excitement of Christmas things slow down and there’s a lull until the New Year comes in.

That lull is a time of reflection and review for me. For starters, I pull out my resolutions (actual goals) for 2011 I made nearly a year ago and look to see how I did. I refer back to them a few times during the year, sometimes to see what I thought was important enough to make a goal and sometimes to motivate me.

For instance I always have biking mileage goals, but I also have specific goals within that. I have a “commute” goal, for any trip where I use my bike as transportation rather than for recreation or fitness. Beside biking, I have goals related to education/learning, social, volunteering and other activities.

Beside checking the status of my resolutions, I reflect back on the year. Looking back at the highs and the lows – reliving the highs, reflecting on the lows, and trying to better understand or learn from them.

And there are some years that have life changing moments or events that continue to impact long after they’ve passed. This year was one of those.

Right after 2011 began I had a life changing event. It might not be an exaggeration to say it was nearly a life-ending event.

As we often do in the winter, my husband and I decided to get in the hot tub after midnight last January 28th. I was tired, but love to take a hot tub especially after exercising.  Earlier in the evening I had done a 35 mile session on the spinner. We had just bought the spinner the month before and I was using it almost daily. I had also had a glass of wine. I felt fine when I first got in, but after being in for several minutes I got an odd feeling in my chest (similar to how your stomach feels on a rollercoaster). I got out of the hot tub so I could sit on the side to wait for it to pass.

That’s the last thing I remember until I came to a few minutes later. My husband, bless his soul, stayed calm – I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have if the situation had been reversed. When I fainted I slid back into the water; fortunately he was paying attention, saw me and got my head above water, shouting my name repeatedly trying to get me to come to or at least some kind of reaction. After a few times and no response whatsoever he added slaps to the face – slapping harder the longer I was unresponsive. He wasn’t sure I was breathing. About the time he was thinking of how he could get me out of the water so he could call 911 I came to.

Fortunately, that was not one of the times I got into the hot tub by myself. Suffice to say, I don’t get in by myself any longer.

I had numerous medical tests run – which took months to complete and get the results of – the first week in April actually. I lived in fear at times and at other times in awe that it turned out like it did. Until late March/early April I didn’t know if I would ever be able to push myself physically again. For months everything was in limbo – but it was okay because I was alive. May sound overly dramatic, but at the time the drama was completely real. Terrifyingly real.

I woke up every day thankful to be –  It’s a good way to live actually and I should still wake up every day thinking and feeling that.

My near drowning was the main reason signing up for and completing the 1.2 mile swim in the Redman triathlon was so difficult and such a powerful accomplishment for me – and why I felt such immense relief when I came out of the water at Hefner and at Tallchief too – I had survived.

The year when my health was most in question was the year I pushed myself the hardest.

I’m not completely sure why, but a small part, was to face my fear and push past it.  And here I am almost a year later, thanks to my husband, looking back at a year that I was fortunate to have. I learned something last January that writing this post has helped me to reconnect with: A feeling of gratitude just to still be here.

Garmin Data

I’ve been less than happy with the Garmin Connect website this year. It’s often down or slower than molasses.

Does anyone know of a website where I can upload the data from my Garmin device directly (bypassing Garmin Connect) and track/compile it?

Speaking of data, I’m in the process of compiling my 2011 data for bike rides, indoor cycling miles, swimming and running. Still hope to get in a couple of outdoor rides before the week is over.

It’s always interesting to go back and look at what transpired over the year in terms of cycling and other fitness, and how it compares to the year’s goals/resolutions. I’ll report what and how I did here. Feel free to list yours too in comments.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah or any other holiday you chose to celebrate! I did, despite the fact that Santa didn’t bring me a bike… (no I don’t need a bike but then what does need have to do with bike desire (love). Santa did bring me this very cool bike clock – actually it was a gift from my daughter and her family.

2011-12-27 13.55.54

Bike Love

If you’ve spent much time here than you know I’m always interested in people’s stories on how they got started biking and on what cycling does for them.

Here’s a story that any bike lover will love, plus the ending will make you laugh out loud (follow the link to read the entire article):

Why I Love My Bicycle

By Paul Townsend

A Zen Buddhist Master saw his students riding their bicycles and asked them, “Why do you ride your bikes?”

“I ride it for my health and exercise.” one said trying to impress his master.

“Ah … then you will live to an old age.” the master said.

“I return from the market and use it to carry my load.” said another student.

“Ah… then you will not have a crooked back like me in your old age.” said the master

“I ride my bike to ride my bike.” said the other.

“Ah… I am your student!” the master replied.


“Why do you ride your bike?”, I’ve been asked many times. I suppose there are a a dozen reasons and answers to that. I’m sure exercise and fun would be the most common. The latter I’d totally agree to, the former not. If it was exercise I wanted, I’d spent a grand on a membership and get my workout in a nice climate controlled environment, but I’d miss out on a lot of sunrises,sunsets, and wildlife.

Read the rest of the story here.

Indoor Biking

Lately all of my riding has been indoors. My last ride outdoors was my bike ride to the store noted below. My last ride indoors was last night.

Riding indoors is exercise; riding outdoors is fun, freeing, centering, calming, inspiring and adventurous. It never feels like exercise.

Riding indoors is BORING, riding outdoors is anything but boring.

Riding indoors is necessary, for me at least while it is this cold (30’s and 40’s). I realize that those temps aren’t even that cold, but for whatever reason (I’m a cold weather wuss, no denying it) I can’t get myself to get out there and ride. I could see riding on a trail in the woods, but I don’t have a mountain bike.

Last night I rode 17.4 miles in just over an hour. I ride intervals every 5 minutes for 1 minute so it keeps it interesting (who am I kidding). I do think when I ride indoors that I work harder – no coasting, intervals, climbing out of the saddle and sprints. My average heart rate shows I am.

I’m going to try and get a “real ride” in later this week. Until then, see you on the trainer!

P.S. Or the treadmill, I’m still running. Which I still suck at. How’s your riding/off-season training going?

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