For the Love of Bikes

Life is better on a bike!

Page 73 of 102

Copenhagenized Kids

Do they have the right idea or what. Turns out it isn’t just adults in Copenhagen that ride cargo bikes.


Images from the article Early Cargo Bike Learning in Copenhagen from the brilliant  Check them out if you haven’t – great stuff there.


Kids and bikes… they just go together.








Tulsa Tough

ride_gf1_previewNext weekend we’re riding the Tulsa Tough Gran Fondo – the Medio Fondo (100k) Saturday and the “slightly milder” 50 km Piccolo Fondo II on Sunday. 

I’ve ridden 123 miles this week including two 40 mile rides and will now ease off to be ready for Saturday – hope it’s enough. 

Any Tulsa Tough-ers out there?

Sounds like it is quite the event, 3 days of racing including some pro teams, the tour rides on Saturday and Sunday and a townie ride on Sunday.  I’ve read it’s a festival atmosphere with music, food and drink – sounds fun!

Every time I start to think I’m physically ready for the two day ride, I remember their motto:

“They don’t call it the Tulsa Tough for nothing.”

Oh boy…

I don't know smile

Flint Hills Nature Trail

Kansas Cyclist posted recently on their FB page about an area of Kansas that sounds like nice bicycling.


KC noted, "…there are already thousands of miles of gravel roads throughout the Flint Hills (and over 100,000 miles across the state) that are perfect for bicycling — remote, scenic, and almost no traffic. Get out and explore!"

From the Flint Hills Nature Trail website: 

The Flint Hills Nature Trail is a 117 mile rail-trail in northeast Kansas. It crosses 7 counties along its east-west course. As the name implies, it crosses the beautiful Flint Hills.  This area is one of the last remaining tallgrass prairie ecosystems in the world.  It is home to abundant prairie wildlife species, spectacular views, national historic sites, recreational areas, and good home folks.  It is also recognized as a region of cultural importance. 

When I asked for more information he provided the following links, looks like a beautiful and remote place to visit by bike – check it out:

Here’s to 22

Three days – three rides.  Nothing intense or long just commute type rides and a ride around the neighborhood on my touring bike Condor, named after one of my heroes – Anne Mustoe’s bike

My position on Condor needed tweaking, I felt too stretched out.  The frame is a little large for me, the smaller size down was too small – the Goldilocks syndrome.  Unfortunately the “just right” is probably a custom frame which I might actually spring for in the not-too-distant future.  I do love this bike though, she’s steel and pretty and a nice bike.  I just wish she was a little shorter in her top tube.


Nice weekend and nice rides, albeit windy ones. Oklahoma has to be one of the windiest places on earth.  Which is why I get so excited when we have those all too rare light/no wind days and mild temps.

Tomorrow the winds are supposed to come down and I hope to get out for a ride

I enjoyed commemorating my 21 year bicycling anniversary with my 3 little rides and 2 posts here .  It’s nice to reflect back don’t you think?  I always have a thought or two or ten about how different my life would be if I hadn’t rediscovered cycling as an adult.  So glad I did!  Still hope to hear from more of you on how you got back on the bike as an adult or on it for the first time. 

Hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend and a chance or two to ride.

What About You

What got You back on the bike?

Or, if you have continued to ride with no significant lapse, what is the reason(s) and what keeps you motivated/committed to cycling?

You’ve heard my story, what’s yours?

I’m curious and bet there are some very interesting stories! We would love to hear from you.

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