For the Love of Bikes

Life is better on a bike!

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Memorial Day Memory


Memorial Day weekend always brings to mind my reintroduction to cycling.

Like most everyone else I practically lived on a bike during my childhood and even teen years.  

When I was in college, not owning a car, I biked to classes and work.  Biking actually wasn’t that prevalent when I was in college not like it is today.

Once adulthood set in (parenthood and work) I put away my bike.  For exercise I ran some, played a little tennis but rarely considered biking and I’m not sure why.

That changed when one Memorial Day weekend my then 10 year old daughter said, “Mom, let’s ride bikes to my school”.  Her school was 7 miles away and partly over dirt and gravel roads, but it sounded fun so I said sure!

I remember I packed for that first bike ride like I would pack now for an all day ride – several snacks and a lot of water and we set off.  I rode my old Sears Free Spirit bike, the same bike I had in college.  The old 10speed-drop-handlebar-skinny-tire bike that wasn’t really intended to be ridden on gravel, but we took our time and made it to the school. 

Like kids do, after we had been there for a little while my daughter was ready to ride  home.  I on the other hand was not.  I stalled like any mother worth her salt until I was rested and fairly confident I could make it back.

Although I was only 35 years old at the time, I thought 35 was pretty old. The way people in their 20’s and 30’s do until they get to their 40’s and beyond.

I also wasn’t doing any kind of cardio exercise on a regular basis plus, I am ashamed to admit smoked cigarettes at the time so those 7 miles and the 7 to get back taxed me to say the least.

After a bit we got back on our bikes and headed home.  We both felt a sense of accomplishment and pride after we were safely home at how we had ridden our bikes 14 miles!

Unfortunately I didn’t get back to riding or any other form of regular exercise after that. But lo and behold the next Memorial Day weekend my daughter gets up and says excitedly, “it’s our annual ride our bikes to school day”! 

I had completely forgotten about the previous year’s trek, but of course she had not.  My response to her was something like I’m too old to ride a bike that far!

The rest as they say is history.

The first time I rode my bike on Free Wheel, the weeklong bike ride across Oklahoma, (in my early 40’s) and all the other years I rode it she reminded me of my I’m too old whine. The time I rode the MS 150, 150 miles in 2 days, she reminded me and each and every time she did, we had a good laugh!

And I learned that you’re never too old to begin again, and that in many ways I’m younger now than I was then. 

The following September after that first Memorial Day ride I got a Schwin hybrid to ride around the neighborhood and any future treks to schools or wherever with my daughter.

That bike is the bike that as an adult I fell in love with cycling. I couldn’t get enough of riding, that poetry of motion, and I still can’t. 

In many ways I owe my profound love of cycling to my daughter Jessica, and that first bike ride to her school – thank you Jessica!  

Since that inaugural ride I’ve logged tens of thousands of miles on one bike or another and every Memorial Day weekend I go for some sort of ride, or two or three – and I always think back to that first ride 20+ years ago this weekend and smile – and I still feel a sense of accomplishment and pride that I am still at it and still love it. 

That’s my story. What’s yours? What got you (back) on the bike?

*Image is not the property of All For the Love of Bikes, but is shared here. Creator of image is unknown..

**Edited 5/26/2013

Missing the KATY

Yesterday was a ride on the back roads near our home. You know, the ones with less traffic than regular roads. The ones most of us ride because there are fewer cars and trucks, and therefore, safer.

Where the cows outnumber the cars.


We did the Jones ride, 44 miles, an out and back. It was a beautiful day, one of those exquisite late Spring days that are all too rare here – very light wind and temperatures near 70. So, we took advantage of it and rode our road bikes, carrying nothing more than water and a few bars! A big difference from the 20 pounds or so we both carried when we rode the KATY Trail.

Right away we both noted a big difference in terms of ease of riding and effort.  The bike felt like it took off at times, almost faster than comfortable. That part was nice, but the scenery and experience were so much nicer on the KT. Even though this ride was much hillier than the almost-completely-flat KATY, it still wasn’t as difficult.

It was a nice ride yesterday, we both enjoyed it and getting to ride when most everyone else is at work is a real plus. Still miss riding the KATY though. For those of you who haven’t ridden the KATY in Missouri you should consider it.  For more information about it click on the KATY Trail tag on this website and you can also go to: and

KATY Trail 2011 – Day 5

Today was our last day riding the KATY for this year.

Despite a forecast that said rain was likely as we headed west, we managed to stay dry on our ride. 

We were quite happy about that after yesterday. Today was basically the same ride as yesterday – only in reverse – Augusta to McKittrick, except once we got back to the McKittrick trailhead we had to ride a couple of miles on the highway, then cross the bridge over the Missouri river into Hermann where we would catch Amtrak to Sedalia and our car.

Today was a great day on the trail. It was in surprisingly good shape after yesterday’s monsoon.

I also felt better and stronger than the previous days and we made great time. That is how bike touring goes in my experience. You get stronger as the ride goes and the miles accumulate. Seems to be the case regardless of how much training I do to prepare. 

Anyway, we were determined to beat the storm that was headed our way from the west so we rode hard and fairly fast (thank you tailwind) and made only quick stops.

We pedaled just 3.5 hours, basically the same distance in the rain yesterday that took us 4.5 hours. The difference was the trail surface.  With the deluge, it had been like quicksand in many places yesterday and today we had the aforementioned glorious tailwind.

The still-fresh memory of yesterday’s slog motivated us to get to Hermann before the storm hit in the afternoon. Once we got close to the McKittrick trail head we did slow up to savor the last miles. They are some of the prettiest miles.

Once we crossed the bridge into Hermann we locked up our bikes and headed off in search of lunch. We had about three hours to kill before catching the train to Sedalia so we found a coffee shop, changed clothes, and hung out until it was time to head to the train station. 

While we waited we talked with a woman from Iowa who was also taking the train to Sedalia where she would begin her bike ride on the KT.

Once the train arrived they quickly helped us load our bikes into one of the cars, literally threw our bags in behind us, and before we could say WTH the train was rolling. Our last train ride was in Italy, from Rome to Florence – sleek and fast – this one was – Not.

That’s okay, it got us where we needed to go. Once in Sedalia, we reloaded the bikes and rode the few miles to Maxine’s and our car. We stayed overnight in Clinton before heading home.

In five days of riding the bucolic Missouri KATY Trail, we rode a total of about 220 miles once we upload the data from the Garmin Edges we’ll know for sure not that it matters (at least to me) 🙂

Another post to follow once I’m home and can do it on my actual computer with its full-size keyboard. All other posts have been done on my phone. It worked pretty well and sure beat hauling my netbook with me.

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KATY Trail 2011 -Day 4

Today was the kind of day on the bike that pushes you beyond your usual limits. This is not a day I would have chosen to ride, but ride we did.

And right now I’m glad we did. Even during the ride/slog I knew I would finish the ride out, although we could have called for a shuttle and if it had been lightning we would have.

It was miserable at times! Really miserable. The trail was like quicksand in many places and balance was difficult not to mention just pedaling. My left quad continues to hurt and the cold rain made it worse. But enough about that, suffice to say – for a day spent riding the bike – it was pretty bad.

I’m glad we finished the day and the 36 mile journey. Onward.

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2011-05-20 09.56.40


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