We left Hartsburg around 9:45 after after a delicious breakfast complements of Globe Hotel owner, Jeanette.
We said goodbye to the five from Oregon/Florida and wished each other safe travels. They are riding over 2000 miles on their journey – and I envy them. More about them in a later post.
We felt refreshed: Mark’s saddle was fixed, my Brooks actually felt like it was supporting my butt instead of torturing it – so away we went – all smiles.
That lasted for about 15 miles when Mark’s left knee and my left quad started complaining. We made a couple of adjustments, took a couple of Ibuprofen, and away we went.
A little later we grabbed a sandwich in Mokane at the 28-mile point of our day’s ride. The food and break from the bike helped, and more smiles as we pushed off and headed toward McKittrick.
This section of the trail is one of the prettiest – heavily treed – tall bluffs on the left and the mighty Missouri river on the right.
We stopped frequently to take pictures as we took in all the sights and sounds of the trail and beyond. Words and pictures fall short – dark and pristine woods, lots of birds, and a heavy tree canopy over much of the trail.
The forested part of the trail lasted until our last 10 miles. We arrived at the McKittrick trailhead around 5:00 and headed UP toward the Meyer’s farm.
Once at the farm I ditched Condor and climbed into the hammock- a perfect ending to a perfect day – 54 miles/5.5 hours of riding.
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