Still time to enter your own creative video on a bike for the 2011 Festival – just enter by April 1st.
Life is better on a bike!
Still time to enter your own creative video on a bike for the 2011 Festival – just enter by April 1st.
The first part of the month was brutal. We had a record setting low of minus 15 February 11th and a record setting high of 80 degrees on February 16th.
Less than a week and a 95 degree temperature swing.
There is a well deserved saying here: If you don’t like the weather just stick around because it’ll change.
Today wasn’t 80, but nice for a bike ride, especially considering it’s February. Light winds too, which when spring arrives officially, with the warmer temperatures it is also sure to bring wind.
Nice to get outside and ride for a change instead of pedaling circles on the spinner.
Edit: 10-16-12 – Times and events change and so do we, at least I hope we do. I need to update this post, and will soon, because my views about Lance Armstrong have changed dramatically and I need to explain.
Please read my latest post, “Armstrong’s Doomsday“.
(edited 7/5/12)
A tribute to cycling and more so, the Tour de France. Includes some beautiful images.Â
In less than five months we’ll be watching the Tour live!Â
Until then…
It may seem too cold and snowy to think about bike touring, but this is actually a great time of year to research, plan and book a bicycle tour.
Bicycle touring is gaining in popularity as more people ride bikes in general, and as more of us discover what a wonderful way biking is to travel and experience new places.
Nowadays there are many options with bike tours — from local to cross country tours, from self-supported to fully supported, and from easy, beginner tours with daily mileage of 25-40, to intermediate tours with daily mileage in the 50 – 75 range along with moderate hills, to the most difficult tours with high mileage and hilly terrain.
There is a bicycle tour to fit everyone – including beginners, children and older enthusiasts.
Broadly speaking, there are two types of bicycle tours: supported and self-supported. Among supported bike tours there are a wide range of options and services, from the most basic to the most luxurious – and everything in between.
With the basic supported bike tour, the company may only carry your luggage to each lodging site and everything else – bicycle, helmet, meals, snacks, and mechanical support – is yours to handle.
Fully supported tours typically include everything – bicycle, helmet, most meals, mechanical support, snacks, drinks, transfers, and lodging. Sometimes other activities are even included in the tour price, such as winery and museum tours. Generally, the more support and amenities included in the tour, the higher the cost.
If you have not toured by bicycle before, you may want to play it safe the first time and go with a supported tour. Remember, there are basic, no-frills supported bike tours where the costs are reasonable.
With bicycle touring becoming so popular there are options for all budgets and skill levels so shop around and do your research.
As you become more experienced you may want to venture into touring on your own, which means carrying your own gear and relying on your own ingenuity and abilities to travel from place to place.
Regardless of what type of bicycle tour you choose – traveling by bike makes for a great vacation.
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