Today the cycling gods smiled upon us with spectacular weather and a harder packed trail surface.
Our mileage today was to be only 35, but we decided to ride the Columbia spur, adding about 18 more miles in total.
We did have a mechanical (in the words of Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwin) today. Mark’s seat post bolt somehow stripped and wouldn’t hold his saddle in the right position. It kept slipping down and resting on the top of the seat tube! Which was just about 6 inches too low! He had to pedal the last 10 miles – in his words – “riding a clown bike”. When we got to the Globe Hotel where we’ re staying tonight, we met a group of cyclists who were on day 2 of a 2700 mile bike tour! They helped him MacGyver it so he’s all set for tomorrow. Tomorrow we ride to McKittrick, about the same mileage as today.
Today’s ride began in Boonville and ended in Hartsburg, via Columbia, for a total of 54 miles. Words can’t do the Katy justice so I’ll close with pictures and a video to give you an idea of the sights and sounds of the KATY Trail.

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